CBSE board exams are one of the most important exams for a student’s career, especially when they are in class 12. Class 12 marks decide the eligibility criteria to apply for different entrance exams like JEE Main, NEET, and CUET. So it is necessary for students to score good marks in the CBSE board examinations. Knowledge of updated syllabus, paper pattern and study material is a must if the students want to score good marks in the exam. In this blog we will help you out in understanding the syllabus, paper pattern, marking scheme and most important how to prepare for the exam. Lets’ get started.
This year there are many changes in the CBSE 12 board exam syllabus and also some chapters have been deleted. Students have mixed feelings about the changes in the paper pattern of the board examination and it is obvious. But the advantage of these changes in the syllabus is they have a chance to improve and perform well in those subjects to increase their marks in the board examination.
Students have mixed feelings about their 12th board examination, as the exam pattern is also changed this year so it is a chance for them to perform better in the exam. Maths is one of the most feared subjects when it comes to the CBSE Class 12 Board exam. Many of the students opt for maths in their class 11 as it opens the opportunities for many career options and a subject which is scoring and interesting. This blog is all about Class 12th CBSE board maths paper, if you have a slight fear of Maths subjects then read this article till the end. In this article, we have covered entire details that will help you in preparing yourself for the Maths exam.
CBSE Class 12 Board Maths Marks Distribution 2022-23
No. | Units | Marks |
I | Relations and Functions | 08 |
II | Algebra | 10 |
III | Calculus | 35 |
IV | Vectors and 3-D Geometry | 14 |
V | Linear Programming | 05 |
VI | Probability | 08 |
Total Theory | 80 | |
Internal Assessment | 20 | |
Grand Total | 100 |
Internal Assessment – 20 Marks
- Periodic Tests (Best 2 out of 3 tests conducted)
- Mathematics Activities 10 Marks
Conduct of Periodic Tests:
A periodic test is a pen-paper assessment to be conducted by the respective subject teachers. The periodic test has a mix of questions such as very short type questions, short answers, and long answers similar to that asked in main board exams. These periodic tests effectively assess the knowledge, understanding, application, skills, analysis, evaluation, and synthesis.
Recommended Books for CBSE Class 12 Board Maths Exam
- Mathematics Part I – Textbook for Class XII, NCERT Publication
- Mathematics Part II – Textbook for Class XII, NCERT Publication
- Mathematics Exemplar Problem for Class XII, Published by NCERT
- Mathematics Lab Manual Class XII, Published by NCERT
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