The CBSE (Central Board of Education) is a National Level Board of Education for government and private schools, which the Indian Union Government controls. The board was established in 1929 by a resolution of the Indian government. There are approximately 26,054 schools in India and 240 schools in different foreign countries affiliated to the CBSE.
Career Point’s CBSE board sample papers are designed as per the latest and updated syllabus of class 10th & 12th by CBSE. There are so many benefits of solving CBSE board sample papers before appearing in the final exam.
Sample papers help in overcoming exam fear and help students to get familiar with the exam pattern. There are other benefits of sample papers that help the students to prepare themselves for the board exams.
CBSE Class 10th & 12th Boards 2023 Exam Dates

Importance of CBSE Board Sample Papers
Removes Exam Fear
Practicing CBSE Board sample papers helps in getting the idea about the actual pattern of the paper and the type of questions that will be asked in the exam. Career point CBSE board sample papers are based on the actual paper format of the board exam which helps the students in getting an overview of the board question papers.
Self- Analysis
CBSE board sample papers by Career Point are based on the latest syllabus and pattern imposed by the board. Practicing with the CBSE board sample papers students can analyze their performance and can practice accordingly. When students prepare with the previous year’s sample papers, they come across the repetitive topics and questions that are asked in previous years which helps in improving their weak areas.
Help in Revision
Solving previous year question papers and sample papers helps in revising the whole syllabus which helps in improving the weak areas and boosts confidence so that students don’t face any problems in the final exams.
With the help of sample papers, students can check their performance as the papers consist of questions from each topic in different sections of the paper.
Gives an Idea of a Marking Scheme
For any student who is preparing for any exams, it is very important to know about the marking scheme of the exam. A similar thing is applied to the students of classes 10th and 12th, it is an important part while you are preparing for the exam.
Knowing the exam marking scheme decided by the CBSE helps in preparing accordingly and students can give more attention to the topics that carry more weight.
Builds Self Confidence
It is important for a student to know about their strengths and weaknesses before appearing in any exam. Board exams are very important in any student’s life so it is important for a student to focus on their weak areas and improve them. CBSE board sample papers help a lot in building self-confidence.
Also, not to improve weak areas, practicing through sample papers helps in increasing the marks in the final exam.
So basically CBSE board sample papers help in increase the overall performance of the student so that they can do well in the board exams and score good marks.