Home Pre-Engineering JEE Main 2020 Exam Pattern Changes, Registration Date, Schedule

JEE Main 2020 Exam Pattern Changes, Registration Date, Schedule

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Through the public notice dated 3rd of September-2019, the National Testing Agency (NTA) has announced the official schedule of the JEE (Main)-2020 Examination, as well as it has also been declared that few drastic changes have been introduced into the pattern of the JEE Main 2020 question paper.

As usual, the NTA will conduct the JEE Main 2020 Examination twice for admission to U.G Programs being offered in the NITs, IIITs and CFTIs (Centrally Funded Technical Institutions), etc. in the upcoming academic year (2020-2021).

  • The First examination of the JEE Main 2020 will be held between the 6th of January to 11th of January 2020.
  • While, the Second JEE Main 2020 will be organized between 3rd of April to 9th of April 2020.

The NTA has announced that for the conduct of JEE Main 2020, the JEE Apex Board (JAB) have approved following changes in the JEE Main 2020 Examination:-

  1. i) A few changes in the pattern of the JEE Main 2020 question paper
  2. ii) A few changes in the number of questions for B.E./B.Tech, B.Arch, and B.Planning

Below, we have included a snipe taken from the public notice released by the NTA on the 3rd of September-2019 that illustrates the new pattern of JEE Main 2020 question paper. 

Except for the Drawing Test for B.Arch. which will be held in offline mode (using Pen & Paper), all the aforementioned Examinations of JEE Main 2020 will only be held in “Computer Based Test” (CBT) Mode.

Depending upon the course that a candidate wishes to pursue, they can choose to appear in B.E./B.Tech, B.Arch and B.Planning paper of JEE Main 2020.


For taking the admission into the undergraduate programs at IITs for the year 2020 a candidate will also have to appear in B. E. /B. Tech. Paper of JEE Main 2020.


According to the candidate’s performance in the B.E. /B. Tech. paper of JEE (Main)-2020, candidates achieving high scores will be made eligible to appear in JEE Advanced 2020.

Announcements for April JEE Main 2020

A separate notice will be issued later for the April JEE Main 2020, and the JEE Main aspirants will be required to apply separately for it.


Although, there is no need and hence it is not compulsory for the candidates to appear in both January JEE Main 2020 and April JEE Main 2020.


If a candidate wants to appear in both January JEE Main 2020 as-well-as April JEE Main 2020, then the best out of the two scores will be considered for admissions and also for determining the eligibility of JEE(Advanced)-2020.


Students who want to appear in January JEE Main 2020 can only apply online between 3rd of September 2019 to 30th of September 2019 (up to 11.50 p.m.) although, the fees of JEE Main 2020 can be paid only online up to 1st of October (through Credit card/Debit card/Net banking/UPI and PAYTM service up to 11.50 p.m.).


The declaration of January JEE Main 2020 result will be done on NTA’s website by 31st January 2020.

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