The 4th day of JEE Main 2022 Session 2 was successfully conducted on Thursday on computer-based mode. The analysis of the JEE Main Session 2 papers has been done on the basis of the feedback of the students. According to the students, the Maths paper on 28th July was of advanced level. In the 2nd shift, the Physics paper was also quite difficult question from Fluid Mechanics that could not be answered in any of its four options.
Following the trend of previous papers, questions were asked from the entire syllabus. The Physics paper was quite easy but some of the calculations were confusing during the morning shift. Students had objections to questions related to the Carnot Engine. Questions from Error, Modulation Index in PoC, KNM, Magnetism, A.C., Thermodynamics, Elasticity, Current Electricity, Capacitor, and Optical Instruments were asked. The morning shift paper was overall easy.
The second shift paper is lengthy and it takes approximately 50 minutes to solve the entire Physics paper. Similar to the morning shift questions were asked from the entire topics of Physics.
The Chemistry papers in both shifts were easy and normal. In the morning shift objective-type questions were asked in Section A and section B consists of numerical-type questions. There were fewer questions from Physical Chemistry while the ratio of questions from Organic and Inorganic Chemistry was more.
Chemistry 2nd shift paper was easy in which two questions were asked from the Assertion Reasoning type in Section A. In section, A questions from organic and inorganic chemistry were more whereas in Section B numerical from Physical Chemistry were asked more.
The Maths paper in the morning shift is difficult and lengthy in comparison with the other two papers. Students took more time to solve the Maths section. Almost all the chapters were covered in the Maths section too. The questions in the 2nd shift were also difficult and lengthy. There were 4-5 questions that were easily solved. The questions from Complex Number, Area, Differential Equation, and Definite Integration were hard. 80% of the paper is difficult.
Watch the live session of the JEE Main Session 2 (28th July) Question Paper Analysis by Career Point experts.