JEE Results are announced in percentile because it is a more accurate way to compare the performance of candidates who have appeared for the examination.
A percentile is a statistical measure that indicates the percentage of candidates who have scored less than or equal to a particular candidate in the examination. For example, if a candidate has a percentile score of 99.5, it means that the candidate has scored better than 99.5% of the candidates who appeared for the examination.
The use of percentiles in the JEE Main examination is beneficial for several reasons.
Firstly, it takes into account the total number of candidates who have appeared for the examination. This means that even if the number of candidates appearing for the examination is large, the percentile score will still be a reliable indicator of a candidate’s performance.
Secondly, the use of percentiles allows for a fairer comparison of the performance of candidates. Since the total number of candidates appearing for the examination varies each year, the use of percentiles ensures that the performance of candidates is evaluated in relation to their peers and not in absolute terms.
Thirdly, Percentile also allows for a more accurate comparison of the performance of candidates across different sessions. Since the difficulty level of the examination may vary across different sessions, the use of percentiles ensures that the performance of candidates is evaluated fairly regardless of the session in which they appeared for the examination.
How to calculate JEE Percentile?
The percentile score for JEE Main is calculated based on the marks obtained by a candidate and the number of candidates who have appeared for the examination. The formula for calculating the percentile score is:
Percentile = ( (Number of candidates who have scored less than or equal to the candidate / Total number of candidates) * 100 )
For example, if there are 100,000 candidates who have appeared for the JEE Main examination and 5,000 of them have scored less than or equal to a particular candidate, the percentile score for that candidate would be:
Percentile = ( (5,000 / 100,000) * 100 ) = 5
It’s important to note that percentile scores are calculated separately for each paper (Paper 1 and Paper 2) of the JEE Main examination.
It’s also important to note that Percentile is calculated based on the normalized scores across multiple sessions. The JEE Main is conducted multiple times in a year, each session has a different difficulty level. The Normalized scores are obtained by applying a statistical method which accounts for the slight variations in the difficulty level of the test across different sessions.
It’s also important to know that the Percentile scores are used for preparing the Merit List for the JEE Main examination and for admission to the NITs, IIITs and other CFTIs.
In summary, the use of percentiles in the JEE Main examination allows for a fair and accurate comparison of the performance of candidates, taking into account the total number of candidates who have appeared for the examination and the difficulty level of the examination across different sessions.