Home School Competitive Exams Important Chapters of Class 10th Science CBSE Board Exam

Important Chapters of Class 10th Science CBSE Board Exam

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Important Chapters of Class 10th Science CBSE Board Exam

In science, there are some chapters that should be treated as important chapters of science for CBSE class 10 board exams. That you must pay attention to get a good score in science and enhance your overall aggregate result in class 10th board exams.

Factors of assessment according to the blueprint of CBSE class 10 Science

Also, it important on your part to know that the blueprint of CBSE class 10 Science asses around the following six factors. Namely remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating as stated below:-

Remembering :

Here a student needs to show up the memory of previously learned material thru recalling Facts, Terms, Basic concepts, and Answers.


A student needs to showcase the understanding of facts and ideas by

  • Organizing,
  • Comparing,
  • Translating,
  • Interpreting,
  • Giving descriptions, and
  • Stating the main ideas


The students of CBSE are tested for their ability to solve the given problems in the new situations by

  • Applying acquired knowledge,
  • Application of facts,
  • Applying techniques and rules

in a different way

Analyzing :

Here the ability of the students to analyse the facts data and other aspects of the syllabus is tested. In this part, the board puts the students to identify the motives or causes and based on it, examine and break information into parts. Also, they are required to support the generalizations by making inferences and finding evidences.


The board assesses the student’s ability to present and defend opinions by

  • Making judgments about information,
  • The validity of ideas, or
  • quality of work based on a set of criteria.
  • Creating:

Under this assessment factor, the student is tested for their ability to compile information in a different way –

  • Through combining the constituent elements in a new pattern, or
  • Through proposing alternative solutions.

Now as per the factors of assessment and other aspects. The subject experts of Career Point considers the following chapters, topics and sub-topics under the following important chapters of science for CBSE Class 10 Board Exams. We have mentioned it below-

Important chapters of science for CBSE Class 10 Board Exams 2020: Physics

  • Electricity – it carries a weightage of around 7 marks, and the important topics under this chapter are Ohm’s law, combination of resistors, heating effects.
  • Magnetic Effect of electric current – it carries a weightage of around 6 marks. And the important topics under this chapter are
  • Magnetic fields line around circular loop  and Straight wire.
  • Fleming left and right hand rule.
  • Electric motor and electric dynamo.
  • Light- it can be considered as the most important chapter CBSE Board class 10 science board exam. It carries a weightage of around 7 marks And the important topics under this chapter are Mirror formula, lens formula, refraction common laws of refraction, glass slab.

Important chapters of science for CBSE Class 10 Board Exams 2020: Chemistry

  • Chemical reaction and equation – it carries a weightage of around 5 to 7 marks, and the important topics under this chapter are
  • Definition and example of different types of reactions.
  • Balancing of equations.
  • Acids bases and salts – it carries a weightage of around 5 to 7 marks, and the important topics under this chapter are
  • Preparation reaction name and formula of different salts or compounds ( NaCl, NaOH, Na2CO3.10 H2O, NaHCO3, CaOCl2, CaSO4.1/2 H2O).
  • The concept of general reactions of acids and bases.
  • Carbon and its compounds – it carries a weightage of around 6 to 8 marks and the important topics under this chapter are
  • Reaction and properties of ethanol and ethanoic acid (very important).
  • IUPAC  nomenclature dot structure may also be asked.

Important chapters of science for CBSE Class 10 Board Exams 2020: Biology

  • Life processes it carries a weightage of around approx 8 to 9 marks and the important topics under this chapter are
  • Photosynthesis- autotrophic nutrition – 3 marks
  • Nutrition in amoeba- 3 marks
  • Nutrition in humans – 1 marks

importance of salivary amylase,  HCL, mucus in the stomach, bile juice, villi small intestine. – 1 marks

  • Respiration- the breakdown of glucose by various Pathways.- 3 marks
  • Exchange of gases – 3 marks
  • Transportation in plants xylem and phloem -3 marks
  • Double circulation in humans – 5 marks
  • Excretion functional unit nephron
  • Diagram of the excretory system along with the function of each part – 3 or 5 marks
  • Renal dialysis – 3 or 5 marks

All diagrams in NCERT are important

Control and coordination it carries a weightage of around approx 5 to 7 marks.

  • Control and coordination in plants v/s animals – 3 marks
  • The nervous system in animals
    • reflex action or reflex arc – 3 marks
    • Structure and function of neurone – 3 marks
  • Part of the brain and their function of cerebrum cerebellum medulla oblongata hypothalamus,  pone varolli – 1  marks each
  • Central nervous system/  peripheral  nervous system – 5 marks
  • Coordination in plants – phytohormones
  • The function of auxin gibberellin cytokinin – 1 marks each
  • Coordination in animals – hormones and their function  produced by thyroid gland,  gonads, pancreas, pituitary gland, adrenal glands – 3 to 5 marks
  • Pituitary as master gland – 3 marks
  • Pancreas endocrine / exocrine gland – 3 marks
  • Importance of insulin – 3 marks
  • regulation of hormone secretion by the feedback mechanism
  • Bending of shoot towards light also (auxin concentration) – 3 marks

How do organisms reproduce?   (5 to 7 marks approx)

  • Difference between Asexual and sexual reproduction  their importance in evolution –  3 marks
  • Any method of Asexual Reproduction budding, fission, regeneration, fragmentation, spore formation – 3 marks each.
  • Vegetative propagation tissue culture – 3 marks
  • Reproduction in plants- double fertilization – 5 marks
  • Reproduction in humans
  • Diagram of the male and female reproductive system with the function of each part – 5 marks

Changes during puberty in males and females – 3 marks.

  • Methods of contraception – 3 to 5 marks

Heredity and evolution (5 to 7 marks approx)

  • Accumulation of variations during reproduction – 3 marks
  • Mendel’s monohybrid and dihybrid cross – 3 or five marks
  • Laws of inheritance 3 or 5 marks —
  • laws of dominance,  independent assortment.
  • Sex determination – 3 marks
  • Evolution-  natural selection,  genetic drift – 3 marks
  • Inherited and acquired traits – 3 marks
  • Homologous and analogous organs – 3 marks
  • Fossils, age of fossils, example – 3 marks
  • Artificial selection – 3 marks
  • Human evolution – 3 marks.

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